Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Should Sex Education Be Allowed High Schools - 878 Words

Should sex education be allowed in high schools? This has been a controversial issue nationwide for over a decade. The American culture is immensely sexually oriented. Sex can be seen through the media and with the younger generation being heavily influenced by technology; they cannot avoid it. In light of this, many of the youth today lack information on sex which highlights the problem. Some people believe that sex education only diminishes one’s rectitude because they feel that sex education encourages the students to partake in sexual intercourse. Although sex education degrades the virtues of children by informing students how to use birth control and condoms, it is imperative in high schools because it prevents sexually transmitted diseases and teenage pregnancy, accommodates in case of parents’ absence, and gives children the idea of morality. Sex education prevents sexually transmitted diseases and teenage pregnancy. How? Students are educated on how to use birth control and condoms as well as other information pertaining to the outcomes of sex. In sex education, students are also taught about abstinence, having sexual intercourse until after marriage. However, other people claim that sex education only encourages the students to get involved in sexual intercourse which leads to sexually transmitted diseases and teenage pregnancy. The truth behind this idea is that sex education does not encourage any of those assertions at all. With HIV and STD rates continuouslyShow MoreRelatedSex Ed in Middle School1723 Words   |  7 PagesSex Education Should be Taught in Middle School Starting sex education at a younger age is a sensitive issue. Our society becomes more and more liberal about sexual issues of the younger generations, but sex education in middle schools or from their parents are still the same as it was in the past, giving superficial information to students. 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